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API Error and Warning Codes

When calling the DoD API HTTP endpoints, you may receive errors or warnings when you receive a 4XX or 5XX http response. You can decide to take corrective action immediately or wait and try again at an appropriate time.

General HTTP Response Codes in Use

The following HTTP response codes are in use in the DoD solution. It will be necessary for your client solution to handle the below responses.

CodeUsage Description
200Success - request was successful and no further action required
400Bad Request - some part of the request failed validation and could not be processed. Likely the request contained improperly formatted data, was missing required data, or was invalid given the state of the record in question
401Unauthorized - it is necessary to retrieve a new token with the proper API scope that has not expired
403Forbidden - the operation requested is disallowed given the authorized scopes and/or roles of the authentication token
404Not found - the resource specified in the request could not be found with the identifier provided
404.13Request content size too large
409Conflict - the request is not allowed given the state of the resource which may have changed since it was last fetched
410Gone - the requested resource is no longer available
429Too Many Requests - a maximum limit of 5 concurrent requests has been reached, or exceeded the rate limit of 1000 requests in a span of 60 seconds
500Server error - the request was not successful
503Service unavailable - When the system is under maintenance, API calls will respond with a 503 - Service Unavailable HTTP status code. As well, the response will contain the same message that the college portal is displaying

DoD Endpoint Error Response Schemas

Error responses include bodies matching a particular schema. The table below indicates the HTTP error codes associated with the given response schemas.

ProblemDetails401, 403, 404, 409, 429, 500, 503
ErrorCodeProblemDetails410, 400

For details of the schemas of above response types, see Schemas [UAT | PROD]

DoD Endpoint Error Codes

Some endpoints return a specific set of error codes in their response to help you identify the source of any issues that may come up.

POST /offers Error Codes

When creating or updating an offer, the endpoint may return a specific error code indicating the reason for rejecting the request. Typically this is a result of some validation error or mismatch of data at OCAS. These failures are not transient and would require intervention and/or a change to the request to be successful. These errors will be transmitted in the body of a HTTP 400 Bad Request response.

R06ApplicationNumber provided is not a valid OCAS Application Number or is not known to OCAS
R07Program not found for specified ProgramCode and CampusCode
R08Campus not found for specified CampusCode
R51StartDate for offer does not fall within application cycle for the given application.
R57Applicant has no active program choices to this college in this application cycle
R70Offer has been accepted by the applicant so it cannot be deleted
S06Request is malformed. Check your inputs against the schema in swagger.json

POST /offers Warning Codes

When creating or updating an offer, the endpoint may return a specific error code indicating supplemental information about the handling of the request. These warnings are informational and do not indicate a failure. No action is required on your part to resolve these warnings. These warnings will be transmitted in the body of a HTTP 200 OK response.

R20Semester Level offered is lower than entry semester specified in the programChoice. Changing offer to default entry semester.
R52Offer indicated as original (choiceNumber is 1-5) but it is no longer one of the applicant's program choices. Setting as an alternate offer.
R71College revoked an offer has already been confirmed by applicant
R72College suspended program for an offer that has been confirmed by applicant