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Event Data Models

An events data payload may contain complex nested objects with their own schema.


A mailing address. Addresses from Canada are validated against Canada Post data and corrected for postal code matching and formatting.
Addresses outside of Canada are not validated.

streetstring (min 1, max 80)
citystring (min 1, max 30)
province[nullable] string see ProvinceState Lookup
countrystring see Country Lookup
postalCodestring (min 1, max 17)


All details about the applicant independent of the Application record including contact and demographic.

idstring guidUnique identifier of the Applicant record
numberstring (min 1, max 20)The Applicant's Account Number (not the same as the Application Number)
updatedstring ISO 8601 Date Formatted StringDate the Applicant data was last updated
legalNameApplicantNameNames used by the person for formal and legal purposes
formerNamesArray[0..10] of ApplicantNameNames previously used by the person for formal and legal purposes. Presently OCAS only captures one former name.
casualNamesArray[0..10] of ApplicantNamePreferred names used by the person for informal purposes. Presently OCAS only captures one casual name.
dateOfBirthstring date string in format yyyy-mm-ddDate of Birth of the applicant. Note that the application does not support two applicants with identically matching First Name, Last Name and Date of Birth
genderstring see Gender LookupDeclared gender of the applicant
canadianStatusstring see CanadianStatus LookupApplicant's declared status in Canada
primaryCitizenshipCountrystring see Country LookupCountry to which the applicant presently holds Citizenship
countryOfBirthstring see Country LookupCountry of birth of the applicant
primaryLanguagestring see Languages LookupDeclared primary spoken language of the applicant
indigenousPersonIndicatorbooleanWhether or not the applicant self-identifies as a person with Canadian Indigenous ancestry
indigenousPersonDeclaration[nullable] string see IndigenousPersonDeclarationType LookupIf indigenousPersonIndicator is true, specifies how the applicant identifies their Indigenous ancestry
indigenousPersonDescription[nullable] stringIf the applicant includes an option in indigenousPersonDeclaration that includes the Other option, this specifies the applicant's self-identification
firstGeneration[nullable] booleanWhether or not the applicant declares they are the first in their immediate families to attend post-secondary education
sponsorAgency[nullable] Number see SponsorAgency LookupThe agency, if applicable, sponsoring the applicant's post-secondary education
languageOfCorrespondencestring see Languages LookupLanguage in which the applicant prefers to receive communication (restricted to French or English)
emailAddressstring (min 5, max 128)Email address of the applicant to be used for email correspondence from the college
oen[nullable] string (min 9, max 9)This number is issued by the Ministry of Education to all students in the secondary school system in Ontario. Defaulted to nine zeros if not provided
oenValid[nullable] string (OenStatus Lookup)Status of the validation with the Ministry of Education
oenValidDate[nullable] string date string in format yyyy-mm-ddThe date the OEN was last validated with the Ministry of Education
mailingAddressAddressMailing address of the applicant to be used for email correspondence from the college
phonesArray[1..2] of PhoneCollection of phone numbers to be used to contact the applicant. First phone in the array is the preferred option. Applicants may only specify one each of a Mobile phone and Home phone numbers.
militaryConnected[nullable] string see MilitaryConnection LookupMilitary connection supplied by the applicant. e.g. Currently serving regular or reserve force, Veteran, or immediate family of any of these groups
disabilitiesArray[0..N] of Disability LookupDisabilities and/or impairments supplied by the applicant
disabilityDescription[nullable] stringDeclaration of the applicant's other disability
ethnicGroupsArray[0..N] of Ethnic Group LookupEthnic groups supplied by the applicant
ethnicGroupDescription[nullable] stringDeclaration of the applicant's other ethnic group
religionsArray[0..N] of Religion LookupReligions and/or spiritual self-identities supplied by the applicant
religionDescription[nullable] stringApplicant's declaration of the applicant's other religion
sexualOrientationsArray[0..N] of Sexual Orientation LookupSexual orientation supplied by the applicant
sexualOrientationDescription[nullable] stringDeclaration of the applicant's other sexual orientation


All details about the applicant independent of the Application record including contact and demographic as well as any supporting academic and credential data for admissions decisions.

idstring guidUnique identifier of the Applicant record
numberstring (min 1, max 20)The Applicant's Account Number (not the same as the Application Number)
updatedstring ISO 8601 Date Formatted StringDate the Applicant data was last updated
legalNameApplicantNameNames used by the person for formal and legal purposes
formerNamesArray[0..10] of ApplicantNameNames previously used by the person for formal and legal purposes. Presently OCAS only captures one former name.
casualNamesArray[0..10] of ApplicantNamePreferred names used by the person for informal purposes. Presently OCAS only captures one casual name.
dateOfBirthstring date string in format yyyy-mm-ddDate of Birth of the applicant. Note that the application does not support two applicants with identically matching First Name, Last Name and Date of Birth
genderstring see Gender LookupDeclared gender of the applicant
canadianStatusstring see CanadianStatus LookupApplicant's declared status in Canada
primaryCitizenshipCountrystring see Country LookupCountry to which the applicant presently holds Citizenship
countryOfBirthstring see Country LookupCountry of birth of the applicant
primaryLanguagestring see Languages LookupDeclared primary spoken language of the applicant
indigenousPersonIndicatorbooleanWhether or not the applicant self-identifies as a person with Canadian Indigenous ancestry
indigenousPersonDeclaration[nullable] string see IndigenousPersonDeclarationType LookupIf indigenousPersonIndicator is true, specifies how the applicant identifies their Indigenous ancestry
indigenousPersonDescription[nullable] stringIf the applicant includes an option in indigenousPersonDeclaration that includes the Other option, this specifies the applicant's self-identification
firstGeneration[nullable] booleanWhether or not the applicant declares they are the first in their immediate families to attend post-secondary education
sponsorAgency[nullable] Number see SponsorAgency LookupThe agency, if applicable, sponsoring the applicant's post-secondary education
languageOfCorrespondencestringLanguage in which the applicant prefers to receive communication. Possible values are 1 - English and 2 - French
emailAddressstring (min 5, max 128)Email address of the applicant to be used for email correspondence from the college
oen[nullable] string (min 9, max 9)This number is issued by the Ministry of Education to all students in the secondary school system in Ontario. Defaulted to nine zeros if not provided
oenValid[nullable] string (OenStatus Lookup)Status of the validation with the Ministry of Education
oenValidDate[nullable] string date string in format yyyy-mm-ddThe date the OEN was last validated with the Ministry of Education
mailingAddressAddressMailing address of the applicant to be used for email correspondence from the college
phonesArray[1..2] of PhoneCollection of phone numbers to be used to contact the applicant. First phone in the array is the preferred option. Applicants may only specify one each of a Mobile phone and Home phone numbers.
ontarioAcademicData[nullable] OntarioAcademicDataEducation and academic data related to the Ontario High School experience
internationalAcademicData[nullable] InternationalAcademicDataEducation and academic data related to the international evaluation of the applicant
educationDeclarationsArray[1..N] of EducationAll prior secondary and post-secondary education institutions declared as having been attended by the applicant
credentialsArray[0..N] of ApplicantCredentialAvailable credentials on record for the applicant. Includes official transcripts (with grades if available)
proficienciesArray[0..N] of ApplicantProficiencyOfficial test scores provided to OCAS for the applicant
supportingDocumentsArray[0..N] of SupportingDocumentAny additional supporting documentation (PDF documents) supplied by the applicant. Can include documents from both unofficial and official sources
militaryConnected[nullable] string see MilitaryConnection LookupMilitary connection supplied by the applicant. e.g. Currently serving regular or reserve force, Veteran, or immediate family of any of these groups
disabilitiesArray[0..N] of Disability LookupDisabilities and/or impairments supplied by the applicant
disabilityDescription[nullable] stringDeclaration of the applicant's other disability
ethnicGroupsArray[0..N] of Ethnic Group LookupEthnic groups supplied by the applicant
ethnicGroupDescription[nullable] stringDeclaration of the applicant's other ethnic group
religionsArray[0..N] of Religion LookupReligions and/or spiritual self-identities supplied by the applicant
religionDescription[nullable] stringApplicant's declaration of the applicant's other religion
sexualOrientationsArray[0..N] of Sexual Orientation LookupSexual orientation supplied by the applicant
sexualOrientationDescription[nullable] stringDeclaration of the applicant's other sexual orientation


Credential (i.e. Transcript) data received by OCAS from a trusted, official source.

Course data for Ontario transcripts may be supplied in the following means:

  • For current Ontario High School students, grades are submitted 6 times a year by all Ontario School Boards and will include interim/mid-term grades for in-progress courses
  • For former Ontario High School students, grades may be requested by a student and submitted electronically by the supplying institution in XML or PDF form. PDF documents (attached as Supporting Documents) are subsequently transcribed and included here
  • For applicants with secondary education received outside Canada that request an International Evaluation be submitted to OCAS will have their evaluation attached in PDF form as a Supporting Document, and any included equivalency grades will be transcribed and included here. The schoolCode will be set to "ICAS" and the schoolName will be set to "ICAS of Canada".
idstring guidUnique identified for the ApplicantCredential record
schoolTypestring (SchoolType Lookup)Type of institution issuing the credential
schoolCodestringUnique code of the institution (e.g. MIDENT, ESIS, CSIS, USIS or PSIS code, or "ICAS")
schoolNamestring (min 1, max 100)Name of the institution
citystring (min 1, max 30)City of the institution
province[nullable] string (ProvinceState Lookup)Province of the institution
country[nullable] string (Country lookup)Country of the institution
coursesArray[1..N] of CourseSet of Ontario High School courses (or equivalents) included in the transcript


firstNamestring (min 0, max 35)
middleNamesArray[0..10] of strings (each item, min 1, max 20)The order of the name in the array reflects the order of the declared middle names
lastNamestring (min 0, max 35)
prefix[nullable] string (NamePrefix Lookup)


Proficiency data received by OCAS from a trusted, official source, in the form of Test results.

Applicants may not add/declare proficiency data themselves - this is added to the application when such data is received through a trusted channel.

idstring guidUnique identifier of the ApplicantProficiency record
city[nullable] string (min 1, max 30)City in which the test proficiency was evaluated
province[nullable] stringDisplay name of the province/state only
country[nullable] string Country LookupCountry in which the test proficiency was evaluated
type[nullable] string TestType LookupType of proficiency/test
completionDate[nullable] string date string in format yyyy-mm-ddDate the test proficiency was evaluated
normingGroup[nullable] string NormingGroup LookupThis is the group that the particular score for the applicant has been normalized against.
subScoresArray[1..N] of ApplicantProficiencySubScoreDetail records/results of the proficiency(-ies) evaluated


Details of a test score

idstring guidUnique identifier for the applicant proficiency subscore record
applicantProficiencyIdstring guidUnique identifier for the parent applicant proficiency record
typestring (TestSubType Lookup)
score[nullable] number (min 0, max 999)
percentile[nullable] number (min 0, max 100)


Record of the applicant's Application to College. Includes the basic data for admissions consideration such as Basis of Admission

idstring guid
numberstring (min 1, max 20) the Application Number
statestring (ApplicationStates Lookup)
updatedstring ISO 8601 Date Formatted String
submittedstring ISO 8601 Date Formatted String
basisOfAdmissionCodestring (min 1, max 50) (BasisOfAdmissionReason Lookup)


Record of the applicant's Application to College. Includes the unique identifier (Application Number), Applicant record, all Program Choices for the college and basic data for admissions consideration such as Basis of Admission

idstring guid
numberstring (min 1, max 20) the Application Number
statestring (ApplicationStates Lookup)
updatedstring ISO 8601 Date Formatted String
submittedstring ISO 8601 Date Formatted String
basisOfAdmissionCodestring (min 1, max 50) (BasisOfAdmissionReason Lookup)
programChoicesArray[1..5] of ProgramChoice


A record of a single course the student enrolled in. Currently only supports Ontario High School courses and their equivalencies. Courses that come from an International Evaluation or International Credit Assessment are identifiable by the school indicated in its containing ApplicantCredential record (e.g. "ICAS" or "WES").

idstring guidUnique identifier for the course record
applicantCredentialIdstring guidUnique identifier for the parent applicant credential record
courseCodestring (CourseCode lookup)5-6 character code identifying the course
courseDelivery[nullable] string (CourseDelivery lookup)The type of secondary school where the course was taken. Not specified for International credit assessment courses
completionDate[nullable] string date string in format yyyy-MM-ddThe date when the course has been completed in the case of final grades already earned, or when the course will be completed if the student is currently registered.
creditValuenumberThe credit value of the course.
gradestringMust be specified for midterm or final grades. The values are usually a three-digit grade (e.g., 67 = 067, 100 = 100, 67.5 = 068, 67.33 = 067); various character values (e.g. A+, A, A-, B+, B, etc.) and/or other equivalency values such as EQV, QEE, QEV, N/A (Not Applicable), ALT = Alternative course, does not lead to credit and ***.
gradeType[nullable] string (GradeType lookup)Whether the grade, if present is a midterm or final grade. Not specified for International credit assessment courses
courseType[nullable] string (CourseType lookup)The type of course taken. Not specified for International credit assessment courses
courseStatus[nullable] string (CourseStatusType lookup)Identifies if a course is repeated or if the student withdrew from the course. This new field is based on the Ministry of Education's full disclosure policy. Not specified for International credit assessment courses
midentCode[nullable] stringThe Mident Code indicating the institution at which this course was taken. Note that this can differ from the MIDENT of the parent applicantCredential
notesArray[0..5] of string (CourseNote Lookup)A special circumstance indicator for a course. This field is based on the O.S.T. / new school curriculum.


Record of education experience, domestic or international, as declared by the applicant.

id[nullable] string guid
schoolTypestring (SchoolType Lookup)
schoolCode[nullable] string
schoolNamestring (min 1, max 100)
city[nullable] string (min 1, max 30)
province[nullable] string (ProvinceState Lookup)
country[nullable] string (Country lookup)
statusstring (EducationCredentialStatus Lookup)
startDate[nullable] string date string in format yyyy-mm-dd
completionDate[nullable] string date string in format yyyy-mm-dd
credentialCode[nullable] string (ProgramCredentialType Lookup)
credentialDescription[nullable] string
programName[nullable] string
levelOfStudy[nullable] string (LevelOfStudyType Lookup)
levelAchieved[nullable] string (LevelAchievedType Lookup)
attendanceFirstName[nullable] string
attendanceLastName[nullable] string
lastGradeCompleted[nullable] number


Education and academic data related to the Ontario High School experience or the international evaluation of the applicant.

idstring guidIdentifier of this InternationalAcademicData record
secondarySchoolEvaluation[nullable] string (SecondarySchoolEvaluationType Lookup)This data item is based on the evaluation of International Transcripts and is the highest level achieved by the applicant at a secondary school.
evaluationGraduationDate[nullable] string date string in format yyyy-mm-ddThe date that the applicant graduated from an international secondary school


Education and academic data related to the Ontario High School experience or the international evaluation of the applicant.

idstring guidIdentifier of this OntarioAcademicData record
midentCode[nullable] string (min 6, max 6)Six-digit Ministry assigned school identification number representing a secondary school in Ontario.
ossdIssueDate[nullable] string date string in format yyyy-mm-ddThe date that the student achieved the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)
ossdToBeAchievedbooleanWhether the student will achieve the OSSD by the selected programs' earliest start date
osscIssueDate[nullable] string date string in format yyyy-mm-ddThe date that the student achieved the Ontario Secondary School Certificate (OSSC)
osscToBeAchievedbooleanWhether the student will achieve the OSSC by the selected programs' earliest start date
ssLiteracyTest[nullable] string (LiteracyTest Lookup)Completion of Provincial Secondary School literacy test
communityInvolvement[nullable] string (CommunityInvovementType Lookup)Completion of required number of hours for community involvement.
gedCompletionDate[nullable] string date string in format yyyy-mm-ddThe date that the student achieved a GED
shsmCode[nullable] string (ShsmCode Lookup)This field only applies for Ontario High School applicants who are taking a High Skills major program


The record of an offer of admission to an applicant for a specified program and intake.

offerSisIdentifier[nullable] string (min 1, max 100)Identifier assigned by the college to uniquely identify the offer record. Can be a string composed of the unique elements of the offer (application, campus code, program code, start date, delivery, entry level)
applicationNumberstring (min 1, max 20)
campusCode[nullable] string (min 1, max 4)Campus Code on record with OCAS (not necessarily campus code used in your SIS)
programCode[nullable] string (min 1, max 10)Program Code on record in the Program Catalogue with OCAS
deliveryOption[nullable] string (IntakeDeliveryOption Lookup)
entryLevelType[nullable] string (EntryLevelType Lookup)
startDate[nullable] string date string in format yyyy-mm-ddStart date of the program. If stored as a month intake, specify '01' as the day portion of the date
intakeId[nullable] string guid[Deprecated] Unique identifier of the Program Intake assigned by OCAS. Informational only. Not to be used for matching.
intakeSisIdentifier[nullable] string (min 1, max 100)Unique identifier of the Program Intake assigned by the college. Only use if college has provided intakeSisIdentifer values in the program catalogue.
choiceNumbernumber 1 to 61 through 5 is the sequence from the original program choice and 6 is an alternate offer. If the applicant has removed the program choice prior to the offer being processed, it will be assigned 6 indicating an alternate offer.
activeDatestring date string in format yyyy-mm-ddThe date when the offer is to be displayed to the applicant. The active time will be set to 12:01:00 AM on the date specified
softExpiryDatestring date string in format yyyy-mm-ddThe expiry date that will be displayed to the applicant. The applicant will be able to view and accept this offer beyond this date up to the date in hardExpiryDate. The expired time will be set to 11:59:59 PM on the date specified.
hardExpiryDatestring date string in format yyyy-mm-ddThe date the offer expires. Once this date has passed, the applicant will be able to view this expired offer but will not be able to accept it. The system will indicate that this offer has expired. The expired time will be set to 11:59:59 PM on the date specified.
statestring (min 1, max 50) (OfferState Lookup)The state of the offer being updated


A phone number

typestring (PhoneType Lookup)
numberstring (min 1, max 15) follows format "1234567890"


"type": "mobile",
"number": "234567890"


Record of the applicant's request to be considered for admission for a specific program and intake. In the event of an offer of admission, also a record of the applicants acceptance of the offer. Program choices are uniquely identified for a given program intake (college, program, campus, delivery, start date) and the entry semester.

idstring guidUnique identifier of the Program Choice
collegeCodestring (CollegeCode Lookup)
programCodestringUnique code for the program as defined by the college as part of the full-time Program Catalogue
deliverystring (IntakeDeliveryOption Lookup)
startDatestring date string in format yyyy-mm-dd
semesterstring (EntryLevelType Lookup)
choiceNumberNumber {1..6}Sequential order of program choice on the application. It will always be in the range 1-5. The only exception occurs when alternate choices (confirmation of acceptances) are processed. The sequence number could take on a value of 6 for these situations.
effectiveDatestring date string in format yyyy-mm-ddThe date the program choice was added to the application. For choices included in the original application, this will match the Application's effective date.
intakeIdstring guid[Deprecated] The OCAS-assigned unique identifier for the selected Program Intake. Informational only. Not to be used for matching.
intakeSisIdentifier[nullable] string (min 1, max 100)The College-assigned unique code for the selected Program Intake, if available
offerId[nullable] string guid[Deprecated] The OCAS-assigned unique identifier for the related Offer of Admission. Informational only. Not to be used for matching.
offerSisIdentifier[nullable] string (min 1, max 100)The College-assigned unique code for the related Offer of Admission, if available
decisionstring (ProgramChoiceDecision Lookup)The applicant's decision on a college's issued Offer of Admission
dateDecisionReceived[nullable] string date string in format yyyy-mm-ddThe date the applicant made their decision for an Offer of Admission
previousAppliedYear[nullable] string (min 4, max 4)The applicant has indicated that they have previously applied to the college and are providing the year they last applied (YYYY)
previousAttendedYear[nullable] string (min 4, max 4)The applicant has indicated that they have previously attended the college and are providing the year they last attended (YYYY).


"id": "0754c6ac-c388-4040-afb9-eda4a61b276c",
"collegeCode": "CODE",
"programCode": "1000G",
"campusCode": "CA",
"delivery": "F",
"startDate": "2023-01-01",
"semester": "01",
"choiceNumber": "1",
"effectiveDate": "2021-11-09",
"intakeId": "0123c6ac-d388-7040-bfb9-eda4a61b442e",
"intakeSisIdentifier": "1000G-CA-F-20230101",
"offerId": null,
"offerSisIdentifier": null,
"decision": "nodecision",
"dateDecisionReceived": null,
"previousAppliedYear": null,
"previousAttendedYear": null


Record of a document that has been received by OCAS in support of the applicant's application to a college program.

idstring GuidUnique identifier for the supporting document
typestring (SupportingDocumentType Lookup)The type of supporting document.
dateReceivedstring date string in format yyyy-mm-ddDate the supporting document was received at OCAS. Supporting documents for an applicant can be distinguished from each other by a combination of type and dateReceived
official[nullable] booleanAn indicator of the supporting document’s designation as official or a non-official
original[nullable] booleanAn indicator of the supporting document as an original or a copy of the original supporting document
issueDate[nullable] string date string in format yyyy-mm-ddThe issue date of the supporting document, as specified by the issuing agency
issuingAgencyCode[nullable] string (Agency Lookup)The issuing agency of the supporting document
documentNumber[nullable] stringThe file number (document number) that appears on the supporting document. This value is generated by the issuing agency
schoolType[nullable] string (SchoolType Lookup)The type of academic institution referenced in the supporting document
schoolCode[nullable] stringNumeric code assigned uniquely to each educational institute name. A reference table for educational institutes is not available as new additions are made weekly
schoolName[nullable] string (max 100)The name of the institution
city[nullable] string (max 30)City of the institution
province[nullable] string (ProvinceState Lookup)Province of the issuing agency or institution, or the jurisdiction of the document
country[nullable] string (Country lookup)Country of the issuing agency or institution, or the jurisdiction of the document
graduationDate[nullable] string date string in format yyyy-mm-ddDate the applicant earned the credential according to the supporting document
level[nullable] stringCertification level of the supporting document
expiryDate[nullable] string date string in format yyyy-mm-ddThe expiry date of the supporting document
driversLicenseClass[nullable] stringThe class of the applicant’s driver’s license.
driversLicenseTemporary[nullable] booleanIndicate if the applicant’s driver’s license is temporary or permanent
fileName[nullable] string (max 255)The original file name
mimeType[nullable] string (max 255)The original file mime type (ie. application\pdf)

SupportingDocument Property Mapping

For the SupportingDocumentTypes below, some properties may be present in the SupportingDocument model. Note that not all SupportingDocumentTypes include additional properties.
